Sunday, December 14, 2008

My Cup Runneth Over

If you’ve ever breastfed, you know what I mean. More likely than not, you've experienced an increase in cup size (going up one, two, or even three sizes is not unusual). I’m also talking about milk production, though. While most of us have enough milk for our babies, I could feed twins. Both of my babies have gotten choked by my letdown on more than one occasion. Nursing pads are not an option for me; they’re a fact of life. I go through at least two pairs a day. Quick math lesson: two pairs a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year…that’s over 700 nursing pads! And I don’t plan on weaning on Baby’s first birthday. I was so glad when I discovered reusable nursing pads. I can save money while I save the planet. I love cloth nursing pads. Except on the rare occasion when they migrate. Or when my little nursling decides they’d make a fabulous toy.

But don't get me wrong - just because your baby doesn't get a milk bath at every feeding doesn't mean you're not producing enough milk. If you're concerned, call your local La Leche League or check out the following sites. You'll find signs your baby is getting enough breast milk and lists of lactogenic foods and herbs.

La Leche League
MOBI Motherhood International
Breastfeeding Basics
Lactogenic Foods

So whether it's feast or famine at Mom’s Breastaurant, keep on nursing!

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