Another feature that sets it apart from other covers is it doesn't have fold-over elastic around the waist. The elastic is a little lower in the waist (if that makes sense) and looks more comfortable. To try to show you what I mean, compare these two pictures.

Jesse's wearing a Bummis Super Whisper Wrap in this picture. The white trim you see around the legs and waist is fold-over elastic.

There are two things about the Wonder Wrap that some might consider disadvantages. It doesn't have the flap of PUL in the front under which you can tuck a trifolded prefold. You can still lay the prefold in it. If you snappi or pin then you probably don't care anyway. The Wonder Wrap also doesn't have gussets. I have covers with and without gussets, and I like both kinds. I don't find the lack of gussets to be a problem. I haven't done a side-by-side comparison (and Jesse's asleep in his Wonder Wrap at the moment) but the Wonder Wrap seems to be cut a little more generously through the crotch than the Bummis Super Whisper Wrap. So even if you're a die-hard gusset fan, you might still want to try one. I think I've got to get a couple more!
We use Wonder Wraps and we love them too!!! I think the colors are super fun, and they're so soft. Plus, they don't leak b/c there's no fabric lining around the legs or waist. It's all PUL.